Sopheab's Web

Life is a constant struggling and challenging but beautiful and meaningful! This blogger is a diary related to my living, my study, my views while I am away from home. Please enjoy it and make comments. From November 2010, the site will be used as a forum to share views with friends and colleagues related to public health and issues found interesting in Cambodia

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Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Interest in health research and evaluation particularly in the field of HIV related risk behavior, prevention, care and treatment. Also, a faculty member, School of Public Health, National Institute of Public Health, Cambodia Contact me at

Friday, January 27, 2006

Food of thoughts for the weekend!

Our communication Wireless Our business Cashless Our telephone Cordless
Our cooking Fireless Our youth Jobless Our religion Creedless
Our food Tasteless Our faith Godless Our labor Effortless
Our conduct Worthless Our relation Loveless Our attitude Careless
Our feelings Heartless Our politics Shameless Our education Valueless
Our arguments Baseless Our commitment Aimless Our lives Meaningless
Our bosses Hopeless Our salary Very Very Less!!!

Ms. Hanifa's note, CIH


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